Sunday, April 29, 2012

I want someone to notice. I want someone to be so enthralled in my entire being that they notice things about me that I've never seen. I want you to acknowledge the things that I like about myself, and then point out things that I had never thought to like. Show me that you appreciate me, and every ounce and inch of my being. Be nicer to me than I am to myself, and call me out when I'm not treating myself as well as I should. I want someone to feel all of these things about me and be honest about it.

Please, care.

"blemish, n.
The slight acne scars. The penny-sized, penny-shaped birthmark right above your knee. The dot below your shoulder that must have been from when you had chicken pox in third grade. The scratch on your neck - did I do that?

This brief transcript of moments, written on the body, is so deeply satisfying to read"
- Excerpt from The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan

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