Tuesday, May 15, 2012

night terrors

I woke up terrified, in tears, trying to run and gasping when I realized that I was frozen. For the brief moments between sleep and consciousness, I was petrified, laboring under the belief that I was still being chased. I looked around wildly, trying to make sense of my surroundings, but couldn't. And then, slowly, I came back.

This is not the first time that this has happened. While the details are different, the mood is the same. Unresolved issues that I try to ignore come to me at night, demanding my attention, making themselves known. With no solution visible in the foreseeable future, my only choice is to endure the suffering.

"I put it down on paper and then the ghost does not ache so much"
- Excerpt from The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros

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